Wednesday 11 April 2012

Selayang Mall and Taman Layang-Layang Kepong

AsSalam...we had a great time today. Daulat Tuanku. Tuanku naik takhta,dptla hamba kua jln2 ngan family hamba ni.heheh. We went to selayang mall to visit one of my bestest friend in school, suria whom running an outlet in selayang mall. Cosway outlet! That was my first time ever visited a cosway shop. For me,it's like a normal grocery/minimarket..mcm2 barang ada, all this while i tot cosway is more like a supplement/ubat2 nye kedai.hehhehe..rupe2nye sandal, householdnye item pon ada. Hehhe. Thanks much meksu for blanje me the nutella-like-choc spread and pitted nk bli sb nmpak bes,die banje plak.touke kan...hehhe..congrats dear for ur huge success in ur business. Wondering when could i be a businesswoman like u! Hehhehe..

Then we went to taman layang-layang kat kepong tu! The first time i went there with dear husband. Second visit, today with 2 kids and dear husband and bekal nasi tghari lauk tomyam n ayam goreng n telur dadar n pudding! (punyala nk pujuk faheem mkn,sampai bwk ns ke taman,tp mknnye semulut dua je jugak..aduhai betuah anak sorg ni..however he had a great time with bubbles gun and a ball which he used to attract new friends aka abg.die nk main ngan abg2 je,bdk kecik x layan ye..huhu. Adik plak had his own sweet time tdo je tgh ramai2 org tu. Ramai gile org main lyg2 and spending their good time with families. Tp cam tgk cite kt 706 semlm..that is how people in big city like kl whom might not hv their own backyard to enjoy a peaceful,greeny embience during their off day..visit a public park! Alhamdulillah,walopon backyard kami ada sekangkang kera, n for sure tak ble main lyg2, at least kami ble pijak rumput pagi2 before gi keje, n tanam pokok serai n pandan n ceri n rambutan n mangga (tp seme belum bebuah punn). But we still enjoying out day out,make new friends and teach kids new stuff. Tq abg for a great day!! Alhamdulillah ya Allah..

About the park, however, we cant find a surau from where we entered (a side yg byk org jual lyg2 n taman mainan kanak2 tu), so balik awl la jugak td sb belum solat asar ms smpai tu. Ermm,kami x jumpe ke,mmg xde? Abg ckp ada kat other entrance yg ada tasik tu kot. Tu gile jauh.mana ble g ngan jln kaki. Kalo betul xde, hopefully they could build a small surau,(padahal toilet tu buat besar gabak gak)...  anyway, alhamdulillah, segala puji bg Allah for a lovely day today. (despite br tau pasal earthquake in acheh yg sampai gegar rs kt msia gak. Masa nk blk tu br bukak FB n tgk org duk update pasal ni. Smoga Allah pliharakan semua dr sebrg malapetaka buruk..aminnn..)

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