Thursday 10 May 2012

Wedding @Port Dickson i love wedding invitation...other than having a good n romantic feeling seeing newlyweds in their finest wedding dress,dan dibwh lindungan rahmat Allah,kami ble pegi jln2 lg! Right after weekend pi genting,jln2 ke pd lak.leh mkn kt songkhla,our fav dapur ms internship kt shell dulu.waduh2,sedap bangat kerapu 3 rs n tonyam putihnye... Saya mkn smpai licin.blk tu abg sibuk mencari kedai yg bukak astro arena sb ada bola kelate vs ... Lawan sape ntah.tak hengat dah.yg pasti 3gol.canturu berjaya gak sombat sebijik pas his tremendous tgk bola sanggup riba dua dua anak yg dh tido kepenatan pas mandi kolam.

Ermm,corus hotel,not bad,tp breakfast nye hasnt got much choices, tv kt bilik receptionnye kongkang,so 2 setgh bintang je la...Tapi last time pegi situ cam okay je..ntahlaa... Anyway.alhamdulillah the kids enjoyed their swimming sessions,adik pon dh masuk mandi lam tu.gehegeg.. Adik suke jek!mama's boy sgt .. Tq abg bwk kita g pd,oooo lupe brenti mkn kt pizza hut pd,tempat dating 7 thn lepas..bus stand,the store,marina byknye kenangan ms intern dulu... Tp skang pd dh maju lagi ah,byk supermarket songkhla tetap dihati..nyum2...

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Cable car ride (masamnye muka adik!)
Wonderful journey..thanks to mr hubby for the treat. You know how much i love clean white sheet kat hotel2 (ini kes xle psg white sheet kt umah,kompem kejap je putihnye) we spent 3days weekend at 3 different places,one night at genting (the sheet wasnt that white though),and another great nite at a great place,cyberjaya resort n spa. (itu bukan sepelaung je ke dr rumah?)..hehheh..dekat.n that makes kami berdua makin dekat dihati...yg penting d kids enjoy the trip,mama happy,papa happy,no matter where u spent u days. Erm,enjoyed cable car trip most at genting (was there back in 7yrs ago kot,tu pon xnaik cable car, and loved breastfeeding session by d pool kt cyberjaya u tayang!!!

Breastfeeding by the pool
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faqeh @2months

He is such a good boy,bubbly and chubby!!!he weighted 5kilos already.abg ahmad was 5.6 when he reached 4months! So adik mmg besor!!! Cyg muah2 kt budak cumil yg suke senyum yg cumil n suke ngs taknk duduk ni.nangis pun cumil, so okay la tuh.layankan aje..heheee.

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