Friday 23 March 2012

good read for self motivation

Soul Power Self Mastery

the above link is one of motivational blog that i just read.

good stuff esp on the left right brain function. actually i came across dr. azhar hj sarip's article on "tolong buatkan air penerang hati" in majalah wanita july 2005 which i found in my MIL's old book rack, and then googled for his name. thats why i always said to my husband, it is very much worth it spending for a magazine,than for a newspaper.

actually sb sy malas nk ngemas surat kabar yg nnti belambak2 kt rumah n slalu di sepah2kan.kalo magazine tu ilmunye tak lapuk,kalo lapok pon bab2 fesyen n iklan2 tu la.other than that, i think coloumn2 tu,including recipe seme ble pakai sampai bila2. actually lam newspaper ada byk hak ilmu,tp h campur2 dicelah2 brita org kene cekup khalwatla,rasuahla,jd ilang mood nk bc n simpan.hehee. so, nutshell, i love old magazine!! <3

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Feeding a baby to sleep?

i read in few articles that many experts are against d routine of feeding our baby to send him for sleep. awfully, that was what i did! for my eldest, faheem . ohh..i realised how true that it is actually affcted faheem, since after he weaned from breastfeed when i got prgnant for late ahmad fattah (alfatihah), routine for him to get sleepy and fell to sleep is from his fm bottle! and whenever he awoke at nite,he will ask for more milk (or he will throwing his loudest note at nite). so mau tak mau i feed him with more formula milk. soon lama2 now his upper teeth udah rosak... aduyai mama! what hv u done!!

the denstist whom we consulted explained how the effect is seen in a long run, n advise that we must stop from giving him milk before and during his sleep.phewww...not an easy thing to do as he is totally loves his bottle,but we tried our best not to repeat d same mistake again. mama mintak maaf ye ahmad..cian ahmad dh xhensem,tp still cute kan.hehge.. so peringatan utk diri sendiri utk lebeih beringat2 utk adik faqeh..n hopefully this might be d eye opener and reminders for others as well.chio!!

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Ahmad Faqeh ver 2.0

inilah si kecik cumil yg mama syg yg suke nangis!hehhee.. he cried during the day, esp from 1pm to 4pm. probably he feel uneasy with hot ambience,but mama believe adik nangs sb nak atuk goyang2 nari2 ngan adik ye! atuk amik je sure diam.n one more thing adik loves to sleep on lengan mama.or at least bawah ketiak mama!hhehe.nila yg org ckp tidur di bawah ketiak mak! but some ppl say, behavior of d new born is mainly influnced by the mother's behavior during her pregnancy period.. urrmm..means mama suke tido bwh ketiak kah? heheh..sounds a bit true. takpela dik,janji adik x nangis kuat sgt n could sleep soundly at u adik faqeh.. u made my heart melt every time i see u frowning and yawning n smiling n even crying :) muahss

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Thursday 22 March 2012

My Ahmad Faqeh Zayyan ver 1.0

My third son Ahmad Faqeh,was safely delivered on the 15th Feb 2012.So much story and drama from the day he was conceived, however this entry is to jot down the weight he has gained over the one month (since i just read abt the baby's ideal weightgain stuff).

Faqeh weighted 2.54kg the day he was born. on d 10th day, he gained 0.3kg,despite being tanned under d phototherapy for jaundis. this made dr anna padma herself was surprised since he gained quite a lot,alhamdulillah. and the last visit to the clinic for 1 month checkup, he was steadily weighted 3.5kg.. praise to Allah. i should chart the development in the excel spreadsheet, so that i could always monitor, n remember. thus i wont get lost track like what happen to abg faheem! poor him!! hehhe.yeaahh,but actually i could easily asked dr anna to print his chart from her database!

syukur pada Allah for giving us a steady mama's milk flow for faqeh, and padaMu Allah ku mohon kesihatn dan rahmat buat anak2 ku ini ya Allah. Syukran.

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yeah..just found out that i culd use this app from my phone!almaklumla i'm still such a rookie blogger and even 'rookier' andriod user. so i could easily post whatever comes to my mind ad share what i read without hasle of getting my slow laptop to start up!

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